The Causes Of The French Revolution
In the 17th and 18th centuries, France was ruled by an absolute government. The king had
all the political power. And the kings who came after him were despots. For example, anyone
who criticized the government could be arrested and put in prison without trial. Louis XIV at l
east ruled this country efficiently. Last French kings were not good rulers. Louis XIV (1774-
1793) was king at the time of the French Revolution. He was more interested in hunting than
governing France. He and his Austrians queen, Marie Antoinette, lived an extravagant life at the
Palace of Versailles. They did not really care about the state of their country. The government
was inefficient, unjust and corrupt. There were too many government departments, different laws
in different parts of the country and officials. Many people became angry about the way France
was governed. They could do nothing to change it. The French Parliament was called the Estates-